Search Engines and Social Media Platforms

Use our API to build helpful voting-related features and support content moderation.

Our API can help you:

  • Improve content moderation by promoting accurate, impartial, and authoritative guidance about elections and voting.

  • Consistently prioritize accurate, timely election information in search results to boost user trust and ensure the relevance and utility of your platform’s content.

  • Fact-check mis- and disinformation about election topics.

  • Integrate elections data into generative AI tools like chatbots to help ensure they provide users with accurate information about voting.

  • Drive civic initiatives, send tailored election reminders, and inform users about voting options.

    • Create an FAQ feature about elections and voting to ensure users can find relevant information quickly.

    • Track upcoming elections and notify users on-platform during key moments in major election years like National Voter Registration Day and for local and state elections happening throughout the year.

What We Offer

Reliable Data

Our API includes election dates and deadlines, links and contacts for authoritative sources, and voting guidance in English and Spanish. This nonpartisan data is sourced directly from government sites and officials and our team of experts reviews information regularly to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.

Comprehensive Coverage

Our data spans thousands of US elections every year from federal to local levels, including smaller elections that other data providers don’t cover. This breadth of information allows you to tailor your strategies and communications for a wide variety of political scenarios and demographics.


With our track record of serving major tech platforms and reaching vast audiences through our own voter engagement tool, TurboVote, we possess the infrastructure to support your goals and promote civic participation among large user bases.


We are committed to providing transparency via source attribution. This includes details about how and when information is collected, reviewed, and updated. Users can access a direct link to a canonical source of truth and understand our nonpartisan data’s origins.

Efficiency and Cost Savings

Using our Elections API allows organizations to save significant time and resources that would otherwise be spent on collecting, verifying, and updating election and voting data.

Mis- and Disinformation Protection

Access to reliable and current information, especially regarding high-stakes topics like voting and elections, is critical in the face of proliferating misinformation and disinformation. Use our nonpartisan data to protect your stakeholders from outdated, inaccurate, and incomplete voting guidance.

Ready to Build?